今天是2024年10月9日 星期三,欢迎光临本站 





       TPA玖钧传动创立于2016年10月,隶属玖钧集团,总部坐落在中国·昆山,现有苏州、深圳、宁波三大研发中心、制造基地;全国拥有十几处服务据点。产品畅销 海内外主要有:中国(台湾)、东南亚、欧美。总生产面积达45000余平方米,在职员工500人+,拥有各类先进设备近400台+。

       注 册 商 标 T PA , 寓 意 : T PA 玖 钧 传 动 在 摸 索 中 “ Tr a n s f e r ” 不 断 改 变 , 工 作 中 “ P a s s i o n ” 充 满 激 情 , 发 展 中 “A c t i v e ” 积 极 进 取 , 永 远 以 昂 扬 的 斗 志 奋 发 向 前 。

       TPA玖钧传动——专注于高速高精传动产品,是一家集专业研发、生产、销售、售后、服务为一体的国家级专精特新“小巨人”企业、国家高新技术企业、江苏 省级专精特新、省级技术研发中心、江苏省民营科技企业、昆山市专精特新、智能控制SCARAJ机器人工程技术研究中心。主要产品有:精密传动部件(精密滚珠丝 杆副、精密直线导轨副)、精密直线模组(日规模组、欧规模组、电动缸、钢基模组、内嵌式铝基模组、简易模组、直线电机、直驱旋转电机)、气浮运动控制平台 系统、磁悬浮智能传输系统(磁驱环形线、磁悬浮传输系统)。

        TPA玖钧传动产品主要服务于:汽车、激光、光伏、3C、锂电、医疗、集成电路、半导体、 数控机床、储能、军工等11大产业及其他非标自动化设备;被广泛应用于取放、搬运、定位、分 类、扫描、检测、点胶、焊锡等各类作业形式,模块化的产品满足客户多元化的应用场景。

        TPA玖钧传动将秉承“永远为伙伴提供优质的服务,有责方远,利他共赢”的公司使命, 优化产品,不断创新,始终坚持以高效的运作,优质的产品,精益求精的精神服务客户。

       TPA玖钧传动以技术为核心、产品为基础、市场为导向、出色的服务团队、打造“TPA玖 钧传动 · 智造兴邦”的行业新标杆。

         TPA motion control was founded in October 2016, affiliated to Jiujun Group,headquartered in Shanghai, China, with three R&D centers in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Suzhou, and two manufacturing bases in East China and South China; The total production area is more than 20,000 square meters, with more than 300 employees and nearly 200 processing equipment of various types.

    TPA ROBOT was founded in 2016, belongs to Jiujun Group. Our headquartered is in Suzhou, China. We have three R&D centers and three manufacturing bases in Suzhou, Shenzhen and Ningbo, with a total production area of more than 40,000 square meters and more than 500 employees. people, with nearly 400 sets of various advanced equipment.

    We specialize in various products of linear motion products, including screw driven axis, belt driven axis, KK axis, built-in rail axis, rack and pinion driven axis, electric cylinders rod type, linear motor, rotary motor, and position tables. Our products mainly serve 3C, laser, semiconductor, photovoltaic, lithium battery and other industries, providing them with pick-and-place, positioning, scanning, dispensing, etc.

    TPA ROBOT will adhere to the corporate mission of "responsible for the long-distance, altruistic and win-win", optimize products, continue to innovate, we are committed to providing customers with the most cost-effective, fastest and most stable products and service.
